
Salam Hangat.
Dengan bergulirnya globalisasi dan perkembangan internet dalam sistem komunikasi dunia yang begitu cepat , generasi muda saat ini dihadapkan dengan kompetisi yang tinggi secara internasional. Karenanya sistem pendidikan pun harus seiring dengan tuntutan jaman dalam tingkat dan standar dunia.
Kita wajib mempersiapkan anak anak kita sebagai generasi yang akan melanjutkan kehidupan ini agar mampu berperan.Mereka harus memiliki loyalitas, profesionalisme, dan talenta.Oleh sebab itu, Kami menawarkan sistem pendidikan dari jepang yang berlandaskan kedisiplinan yang tinggi, komitmen dan ketekunan. Dengan rasa bangga terhadap Bali yang tercinta ini. Yang utama dalam sistem pendidikan ini adalah selalu tepat waktu, kebersihan, dan sopan santun. Pendidikan merupakan warisan yang tak ternilai dari orang tua terhadap anak anaknya.
Selamat Datang!
Kegiatan sekolah akan dimulai dengan sambutan hangat. Suhu tubuh anak-anak akan diperiksa oleh guru kami. PAUD kami akan membuat Anda bisa tenang bekerja. Kami akan mewajibkan anak-anak Anda mengganti seragam dan merapikan barang-barang pribadi mereka sendiri. Hal ini penting agar mereka belajar mandiri. Setelah itu, anak-anak bebas bermain dengan teman-temannya.
Bel Masuk
Anak-anak wajib tiba sebelum jam 9. Setelah bel pertanda masuk kelas dibunyikan, jadwal sekolah akan berjalan dengan tepat waktu. Membiasakan diri tepat waktu merupakan karakter yang diperlukan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat.
Latihan Senam
Anak-anak melakukan senam dengan diiringi musik pop yang lucu. Kami berharap Anda bisa turut menyaksikan latihan senam yang menggemaskan ini. Setelah itu, anak-anak akan dibiasakan untuk menjaga kebersihan dengan mencuci tangan. Kebersihan juga merupakan salah satu motto sekolah kami. Anak dibawah umur 3 tahun akan diberikan susu sebagai sumber asupan nutrisi.
Pertemuan Pagi Hari
Guru dan siswa saling menyapa dengan sopan dan rasa hormat. Para guru akan mengabsen murid-murid dengan berbagai pertanyaan. Setelah itu jadwal berikutnya akan dijelaskan, diikuti dengan sesi berbagi cerita kemudian bernyanyi bersama.
Kelas Pagi, 5 Aspek Perkembangan Manusia
Kami mengembangkan fondasi yang mencakup minat terhadap kehidupan melalui pencapaian tujuan dari pendidikan TK ini yaitu yang tercantum dalam Top Japanese Educational Methods. Untuk pengembangan diri masing-masing anak, kami mengintegrasikan 5 aspek sebagai berikut:
- Kesehatan
- Hubungan antar Manusia
- Lingkungan Hidup
- Bahasa
- Ekspresi
Makan Siang
Waktu yang menggembirakan untuk anak-anak! Setelah mencuci tangan, anak-anak makan makanan yang lezat dengan takaran gizi yang sudah diperhitungkan dan dari bahan-bahan yang aman. Kami berharap mereka dapat bertumbuh dengan baik!
Selesai (untuk siswa setengah hari)/Sesi Membaca Cerita (Siswa Sehari Penuh)
Jadwal untuk siswa setengah hari selesai sampai di sini sedangkan siswa sehari penuh akan berganti baju piyama dan diikuti dengan sesi membaca cerita.
Tidur Siang (umur 1-4 tahun)/Kelas Siang (umur 5 tahun)
Anak-anak yang berumur 1 sampai 4 tahun akan diberi waktu tidur siang sementara anak-anak berumur 5 tahun akan masuk kelas siang. Perkembangan setiap aspek fisik dan mental anak-anak tidak akan kami abaikan!
Makan Snack
Setelah tidur siang, anak-anak ganti pakaian lagi dengan seragam yang sangat imut. Setelah itu makan snack. Mengganti pakaian sendiri juga merupakan suatu pembelajaran penting untuk menjadi mandiri.
Kegiatan Sore Hari
Guru kami akan menyiapkan berbagai kursus. Anak-anak dapat memilih berbagai kegiatan ekstrakurikuler seperti kelas Bahasa Jepang, kelas Bahasa Inggris, kelas Musik, dan sebagainya.
Pertemuan Sore Hari
Pertemuan sore hari adalah aktivitas terakhir. Kami akan berbagi cerita tentang kegiatan hari ini dan apa yang kami rasakan. Kami menghargai hari ini dan selalu menanti hari esok di sekolah.
Selesai/Waktu Tambahan
Kami sambut kedatangan orang tua murid ke PAUD kami. Sesempurna apapun pelayanan kami tapi tetap tidak akan bisa menandingi kasih sayang orang tua terhadap anaknya. Guru kami akan menjelaskan kegiatan pada hari tersebut dan kondisi anak-anak kepada Anda. Setelah itu kami akan berpamitan dengan cara yang sopan lagi.
Tutup Sekolah
Sampai jumpa dan esok hari kami akan melihat senyumanmu lagi!
Q and A
- How much is the cost for this kg ?
- Our school’s monthly fee is based on Bali’s minimum wage (UMK).
Please check the list of fee. >>English >>Indonesia - I’m concerned of whether my child could be adapted to this kindergarten or not.
- How about 2 weeks free trail for your child?
Click here to check the free trail plan. >>English >>Indonesia - Is there any job opportunities in this kindergarten for me ?
- We warmly welcome suitable candidates to join our kindergarten staff team. Please check the link for vacancies and submit the application form. >>Link here

I would like to warmly welcome all of you to our school website. Due to world globalization and the development of internet, there has been a rapid growth of competition. Therefore, our children face fierce competition from other countries in terms of the level of education and standards they will receive. If our children want to survive in this tough reality, they have to be trustworthy and competent Our mission is to offer a Japanese education system with Balinese pride which relies on highly self-discipline and commitment. The critical highlight of this system is teaching Punctuality, Hygiene, and Elegant manner. Education is the best gift parents can ever give to their children.
Welcome Friends!
We will start every occasion with cheerful greeting. Teacher will ask about Body Temperature of your children, and cheer your work up. PAUD is always be on the side of you. We will require the children to change the cloth, tidy up their personal belongings by themselves. It’s important for them to learn to be independent. Followed by free playing time with friends
Opening Bell
WEverybody arrives before or at 9:00 AM. Upon 9AM Opening bell, each schedule will be punctual in our school. Being punctual is one of the important characters of people of high class in the society
Gymnastic Exercise
With cute pop music, Everybody does Gymnastic Exercise. I wish you could see this adorable dancing exercise. After this, we go Hand Washing. Being Hygienic is also one of the mottos of our school. Children under age 3, will have milk for the nutrition supply.
Morning Assembly
Both Teachers and students greet in very polite way with full of respect of each other. Teachers take attendance with various question to students. They elaborate on the schedule of the day , followed by story sessions and monthly songs.
Morning Circle of 5 Human Development
We endeavor to develop a foundation for children to embrace passion for lives by achieving the goals of kindergarten education which were stipulated in Top Japanese Educational Methods. For each children’s personal development, we integrate following aspects:
- Health
- Human relationships
- Environment
- Language
- Expression
It’s a very happy time for children! After washing hands, we have tasty lunch with careful calculated nutrition and safe ingredients. We wish they will grow up well and be ambitious!
Dismissal (Short time Student)/Reading Time (Long time Student)
Short time student program had finished. Long time student proceed to change into pajamas and followed by storying telling time.
Nap(1-4age) /Afternoon Circle(5age)
While 1-4age students have a nap, 5age students will have afternoon circle time. We will never left out any aspects for the benefit of children’s development, physically or mentally.
Snack time
After the Nap, we change the cloth again to very very cute uniform and start a snack time. Putting on cloths by themselves is also important learning step.
Evening Activity
During this period, Teachers plan on various courses. Children can have Extra Activity Courses such as Japanese language, English language, Music and so on.
Evening Assembly
Its the last activity of the day. We exchange and share what we did and what they have felt today. We cherish today, and are looking forward for another day at school tomorrow and expect to tomorrow in school.
Dismissal/Extra Time
Welcome Back to our PAUD. Perfect school activities can never compared to the love from the parents. Teacher will explain about today’s activity and each children’s condition. We say good bye with very polite manner again
Close School
Good bye and see your smile tomorrow!
Q and A
- How much is the cost for this kg ?
- Our school’s monthly fee is based on Bali’s minimum wage (UMK).
Please check the list of fee. >>English >>Indonesia - I’m concerned of whether my child could be adapted to this kindergarten or not.
- How about 2 weeks free trail for your child?
Click here to check the free trail plan. >>English >>Indonesia - Is there any job opportunities in this kindergarten for me ?
- We warmly welcome suitable candidates to join our kindergarten staff team. Please check the link for vacancies and submit the application form. >>Link here

I would like to warmly welcome all of you to our school website. Due to world globalization and the development of internet, there has been a rapid growth of competition. Therefore, our children face fierce competition from other countries in terms of the level of education and standards they will receive. If our children want to survive in this tough reality, they have to be trustworthy and competent Our mission is to offer a Japanese education system with Balinese pride which relies on highly self-discipline and commitment. The critical highlight of this system is teaching Punctuality, Hygiene, and Elegant manner. Education is the best gift parents can ever give to their children.
Welcome Friends!
We will start every occasion with cheerful greeting. Teacher will ask about Body Temperature of your children, and cheer your work up. PAUD is always be on the side of you. We will require the children to change the cloth, tidy up their personal belongings by themselves. It’s important for them to learn to be independent. Followed by free playing time with friends
Opening Bell
WEverybody arrives before or at 9:00 AM. Upon 9AM Opening bell, each schedule will be punctual in our school. Being punctual is one of the important characters of people of high class in the society
Gymnastic Exercise
With cute pop music, Everybody does Gymnastic Exercise. I wish you could see this adorable dancing exercise. After this, we go Hand Washing. Being Hygienic is also one of the mottos of our school. Children under age 3, will have milk for the nutrition supply.
Morning Assembly
Both Teachers and students greet in very polite way with full of respect of each other. Teachers take attendance with various question to students. They elaborate on the schedule of the day , followed by story sessions and monthly songs.
Morning Circle of 5 Human Development
We endeavor to develop a foundation for children to embrace passion for lives by achieving the goals of kindergarten education which were stipulated in Top Japanese Educational Methods. For each children’s personal development, we integrate following aspects:
- Health
- Human relationships
- Environment
- Language
- Expression
It’s a very happy time for children! After washing hands, we have tasty lunch with careful calculated nutrition and safe ingredients. We wish they will grow up well and be ambitious!
Dismissal (Short time Student)/Reading Time (Long time Student)
Short time student program had finished. Long time student proceed to change into pajamas and followed by storying telling time.
Nap(1-4age) /Afternoon Circle(5age)
While 1-4age students have a nap, 5age students will have afternoon circle time. We will never left out any aspects for the benefit of children’s development, physically or mentally.
Snack time
After the Nap, we change the cloth again to very very cute uniform and start a snack time. Putting on cloths by themselves is also important learning step.
Evening Activity
During this period, Teachers plan on various courses. Children can have Extra Activity Courses such as Japanese language, English language, Music and so on.
Evening Assembly
Its the last activity of the day. We exchange and share what we did and what they have felt today. We cherish today, and are looking forward for another day at school tomorrow and expect to tomorrow in school.
Dismissal/Extra Time
Welcome You Back to our PAUD. Even if we serve the perfect plan, we can never win to parents’ love. Teacher will explain about today’s activity and each children’s condition. And we say good bye with very polite way again. Welcome Back to our PAUD. Perfect school activities can never compared to the love from the parents. Teacher will explain about today’s activity and each children’s condition. We say good bye with very polite manner again
Close School
Good bye and see your smile tomorrow!
Q and A
- How much is the cost for this kg ?
- Our school’s monthly fee is based on Bali’s minimum wage (UMK).
Please check the list of fee. >>English >>Indonesia - I’m concerned of whether my child could be adapted to this kindergarten or not.
- How about 2 weeks free trail for your child?
Click here to check the free trail plan. >>English >>Indonesia - Is there any job opportunities in this kindergarten for me ?
- We warmly welcome suitable candidates to join our kindergarten staff team. Please check the link for vacancies and submit the application form. >>Link here